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Are You Getting the Most Out of Photography?

CJ Chilvers
CJ Chilvers
1 min read

Guy Tal can change your entire attitude towards your role in photography. This is a great paragraph:

“As time goes by, you become adept at operating your equipment, augment your kit with various items (whether you actually need them or not), visit some “must see” locations, make some copies of compositions already vetted by others, experiment with various processing tools, and get lucky enough to photograph a few pretty sunsets. You may win some contests judged by people you know little about and whose opinion may have little to do with how you value your own work, and perhaps earn popular appeal among virtual ‘followers’ you will never meet. You may even earn some income from selling your work, and perhaps consider yourself successful. If you are passionate enough and creative enough, however, there will still come a point when you realize that although you are getting a lot out of your camera, you may not in fact be getting the most out of practicing photography.”