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The Unrecorded Podcast

CJ Chilvers
CJ Chilvers
1 min read

Today, the first public issue of a new newsletter I'm working on debuted, The Unrecorded Podcast. Patrick Rhone has a great post on how it came to be.

Already, it's starting to break heads, as Patrick would say.

I'll sum it up as best I can: it's a newsletter of random thinking and links provoked by an unrecorded conference call, which we call a podcast.

The hosts speak freely through a typical podcasting setup, knowing they won't be recorded. Ideas fly, assumptions are poked in the eye, crazy business ideas abound and usually all of the hosts' sites feature posts or services spurred by the discussion. We've been doing this off and on for a year or two.

What we've done now, though, is create a newsletter based on the "minutes" of those crazy calls.

Starting next week, we will have big name guests, and randomly chosen readers, join us on the calls and see what happens.

This is an experiment. Not everyone is going to understand it or care for it. The calls would happen with or without the newsletter, but putting experiments like this out there is something every "creative" must do. It's the only way we learn.

So far, the numbers of subscribers are climbing much quicker than I thought they would. This means we'll have to start looking at more robust solutions for getting the newsletter out. It's a good problem to have.