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Apply Constraints

CJ Chilvers
CJ Chilvers
1 min read

We know creativity thrives with constraints. But what does it have to do with anxiety?

Have too much information and too many options when making decisions is great trigger for your anxiety. This is why minimalism is so popular — maybe more in thought than practice. This is why I prefer to apply constraints to alleviate specific problems, rather than applying entire philosophies to my entire life (which is in itself a lack of constraints).

What are some easy wins constraints can bring to your daily life?

  • Pick a favorite breakfast, lunch, dinner, or meal plan and stick to it.
  • Pick a favorite brand and size of t-shirt, buy a dozen in different colors and always have something to wear when you don’t want to think about it.
  • Giveaway or sell a bunch of stuff you haven't used in a few years. Clutter is information too.
  • Schedule activities for a regular time on a family calendar that are usually a struggle (dinner, baths, homework, etc.).

Reduce your options and you'll reduce the overthinking that comes with too many options.

This is part of a 30-day challenge to blog about anxiety. See all the posts.