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New: Principles for Newsletters Paperback

There’s finally a physical version of the book at Amazon. You can find it here. There’s a Kindle version up on Amazon as well, if that’s more your thing. That’s over here. I’m still offering the book indie-style as a package in multiple ebook formats

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Read an Excerpt from Principles for Newsletters

Dan Oshinsky of Inbox Collective was nice enough to feature 15 of the 49 lessons in my new book today. I really love the community Dan has fostered around newsletters. Make sure to subscribe to his newsletter – the newsletter of record for newsletter publishers.

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Principles for Newsletters

My new book, Principles for Newsletters, condenses the most important lessons I’ve learned from 37 years of newsletter publishing down into 49 short principles. There's no fancy launch, special editions, courses, or workbooks. Just $5 for the ebook in every popular format. Square deal. WARNING! This book

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Thanks for the advice!

I don’t like analyzing personal newsletters. They’re whatever their creator wants them to be. There’s no rules. That goes for mine as well. But I am interested in looking back every year or two to check in on what you think. I don’t nitpick. I don’

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New(ish) Newsletter

I really have to get better at cross-posting about my newsletter issues. Last week, I did one on Creation and Kit Kats []. It was part of a test on formatting, linking styles, and self-imposed constraints. The results? I love plain text emails. You seem