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Trying (And Failing)

I don’t usually post links to anything about gear, but this relates to my last article about inventing []. Dave Lawrence is testing where constraints lead to the greatest creativity. This is exactly what it’s all about: > “You push yourself a bit

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Hunter S. Thompson's Praise for the Snapshot

> “When photography gets so technical as to intimidate people, the element of simple enjoyment is bound to suffer,” Thompson writes, highlighting his main argument. “Any man who can see what he wants to get on film will usually find some way to get it; and a man who thinks

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Get Rid Of All Your Best Weapons And Then You

> “Get rid of all your best weapons, and then you have to get good.” —Louis C.K. []

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Fancy Tools

Peter Cripps [] and Hugh MacLeod say it all: > The sad fact is, if you like buying shiny new gadgets that is, whether they be cameras, laptops or even the latest silver Mont Blanc pen (or “writing instrument” as they prefer it

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Buy a Fucking Camera

Merlin Mann’s perfect parody of photography sites,, is no more. However, the video tutorials from that site still exist. It’s worth revisiting again and again to remind us of what most of the photo bloggers out there are really thinking while they’re “teaching”: * How To

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Don't Worship the Masters

John Neel [] explains why it’s OK to admire the greats in photography, without resorting to copping their styles: > “Unlike what some might think, the greats are not gods. They are instead, exceptional models.” I would add that for every exceptional model, there’

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A Deeper Look at Constraints and Creativity

Harvard Business Review [] weighs in on the link between constraints and creativity: > A study conducted at the University of Amsterdam’s Department of Social Psychology proved that tough obstacles can prompt people to open their minds, look