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Back to School

My wife got a new job at a college. I'm taking advantage of the situation to go back and re-take several photography classes with a discount. It's been 20 years since I've taken a college-level photography course. I'm excited by the prospect

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“Mobile” Photography Doesn’t Matter

Neither does DSLR or any other form of modern photography. Photography technology will progress in ways we can’t foresee. But it will progress. Today’s top-of-the-line camera is tomorrow’s relic. Today’s most popular camera (the iPhone) is also tomorrow’s relic. All images from today will be

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OK, Your Camera is Better Than Mine. Now What?

David DuChemin posted to Twitter about about how camera gear is overrated. As expected, he got a little push back. So, he pushed back on the push back with a lovely rant. I honestly can’t believe this is still a debate, but it is.

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We Need To Get Comfortable With The Idea Of

> “We need to get comfortable with the idea of letting go of any thing at any time now because we let go of every thing in the end.” — Patrick Rhone []

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A Determined Soul Will Do More With A Rusty Monkey

> “A determined soul will do more with a rusty monkey wrench than a loafer will accomplish with all the tools in a machine shop.” — Robert Hughes []

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Trying (And Failing)

I don’t usually post links to anything about gear, but this relates to my last article about inventing []. Dave Lawrence is testing where constraints lead to the greatest creativity. This is exactly what it’s all about: > “You push yourself a bit

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I Kinda No Longer Spend Money On Photo Gear

> “I kinda no longer spend money on photo gear. Mostly on studio rental and buying coffee or lunch for people who intrigue me and I wanna meet.” — Jorge Quinteros []

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How to Be Grateful For What You Have

Eric Kim has been on fire lately. Here he goes deep on gear obsession and how he deals with it.

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Film Isn't Dead

Make sure if you take part in the analogue film resurgence, you do it for the right reasons: the slow, mindful approach to photography and the emphasis on material output. Pretty much everything else about it is the same gear trap as digital.

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I Think That As The Cameras Become Ubiquitous As

> “I think that as the cameras become ubiquitous, as everyone gravitates towards the same tools, the playing field will truly become leveled, and ironically we’ll discover that our only true differentiator in time will become the author’s understanding of how they can best put those tools into