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Paper Doesnt Crash

> “Paper doesn’t crash.” — Jason Fried

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Computers Make It Easier To Do A Lot Of Things

> “Computers make it easier to do a lot of things, but most of the things they make it easier to do don’t need to be done.” — Andy Rooney

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Often The Best Way To Solve Visual Problems Is

Often, the best way to solve visual problems is through paper, words and doodling. While this video was meant for graphic designers, I think it applies to photographers just as much. (via Jeffery Veen [])

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Why Paper Still Matters

After seeing a Kickstarter, a week or so ago, for a hybrid digital/analogue notebook [] , author Austin Kleon let loose a rant on Twitter [], which I had to save and comment on: > "You guys know

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Drawing a Blank

Business cards are one-size-fits-all affairs, revealing the same information for total strangers and your best customers. Pre []-packaged, pre-designed and pre-determined. What a waste of an opportunity to connect. I’m talking about blank business cards. Marketers often talk about the greater impact

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Print This Email

From the Wall Street Journal [] (via Jack Baty []): > “Notice: It’s OK to print this email. Paper is a biodegradable, renewable, sustainable product made from trees. Growing and harvesting trees provides jobs for millions of Americans.