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Do You "Take" Photographs or "Make" Photographs?

I use to default to writing “make” photographs, because of the endless rants I used to hear back in my darkroom days (the 90s). Of course, as photographers who took their craft seriously, we painstakingly “made” photographs, we didn’t just “take” them willy-nilly. It’s even in my book

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Give Your Camera to Your Kid

> “They don’t care about the perfect shot, nor do they wait for it. They have no clue what the ‘rules’ are. Everything is interesting to them and worthy of being shot — especially what’s happening right now. They bring true meaning to the spirit of ‘point and shoot’

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Hunter S. Thompson's Praise for the Snapshot

> “When photography gets so technical as to intimidate people, the element of simple enjoyment is bound to suffer,” Thompson writes, highlighting his main argument. “Any man who can see what he wants to get on film will usually find some way to get it; and a man who thinks

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I Feel That Snapshots Can Get Close To Capturing

> “I feel that snapshots can get close to capturing the essence of humanity. They are often the visual poetry of the human condition.” — Robert Jackson []

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The Invention of the Snapshot

“Not everyone was happy with the rise of the snapshot. Professional photographers were repelled by the weird, ungainly, often out-of-focus shots that amateurs produced.”

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The Snapshot is King

There’s no more damning critique of a photograph than “It’s a snapshot.” This makes no sense to me. Let’s examine what a snapshot is. * Snapshots are usually reserved for family, friends and events, where we’d rather be enjoying ourselves than setting up a tripod. * A snapshot

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Happy Accidents

From Patrick Rhone []: > “Action shots should have action. They shouldn’t be perfect. They shouldn’t be still. They should be blurry and full of energy…The lesson I have learned here is to not be so quick to judge. These judgments