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Do You "Take" Photographs or "Make" Photographs?

I use to default to writing “make” photographs, because of the endless rants I used to hear back in my darkroom days (the 90s). Of course, as photographers who took their craft seriously, we painstakingly “made” photographs, we didn’t just “take” them willy-nilly. It’s even in my book

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The Importance of Leisure

We need a different relationship with leisure in our minds. It may be the best investment we can make. I refer over and over to this article by Maria Popova: Leisure, The Basis of Culture []

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Selling Ideas

We're all trying to sell something, even if it's just our ideas. If we weren't, social media wouldn't exist and neither would the blog, the book or the portfolio. This is why it helps when photographers learn to write and writers learn

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How We See Art

This is a small, eye-tracking study from Frontiers in Human Neuroscience [] that found some unusual variables in how we view art (via Andy Adams []): > "We found some common principles in the way people

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Why a Nuclear Physicist Waits Tables at Olive Garden

I went to Olive Garden last night with the family, because we had a gift card. I'll admit, I wasn't expecting much. It had been years since I set foot in an Olive Garden. Our server was an unusual dude. He was middle aged with disheveled

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Which Rules Apply to You?

Some of us photograph for the pleasure of photographing. For that kind of photographer, there are no rules. Some of us are artists primarily. For that kind of photographer, the rules only exist for the breaking. Some of us are professionals. For that kind of photographer, the rules are many,

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The Advantage of Invisibility

Few people are really “following” your work. Even fewer care. What are you doing with that freedom?

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Everyone wants to be more efficient. But no one would want to describe their art as “efficient.” The groundbreaking stuff tends to be incredibly inefficient in its making.

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What Are You Willing to Give Up for Photography?

As much as photography adds to our lives, we often forget it comes at a cost. Besides money, we invest our time, creativity and attention. When we focus that energy on one thing, it comes at the cost of other things. To leave this unexamined is a recipe for frustration

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Its A Blizzard Out There Nobody Cares About Your

> “It’s a blizzard out there. Nobody cares about your hand crafted, artisanal snowflakes.” — Hugh MacLeod []