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AI Burnout

One of the most beloved Italian restaurants in the Chicago area has a different take on menu technology. No QR codes. No over-the-top printing costs. The menu is written on the wall. If you want it on your phone, you take a photo. Humanity is underrated. Does AI decrease productivity?

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Does AI decrease productivity?

From a new survey conducted by The Upwork Research Institute: “77% [of workers] say AI tools have decreased their productivity and added to their workload in at least one way.” Meanwhile, upstairs: “81% of leaders at companies that have deployed AI report an increase in workforce productivity in the past

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Long Form = Long Term

I’ve been writing a lot about AI lately for big tech companies. I don’t think any of it would surprise you anymore, except for the reverberations. Every Friday I see news releases about thousands being laid off in content-related business, while I hear nothing but great things about

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The Best Newsletter in the World

This is not my usual newsletter day, but in the past few weeks, I’ve written a book, several guides, a course, and more articles than I can remember. I wish I could share them, but none had bylines. So, I figured I’d just randomly share some interesting links

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Creativity vs. Productivity 🥊

I saved this from a post by Tobias van Schneider, which has now been deleted. Spot on, though. Links are break quicker these days, which is just one more reason I need to create more of these link-sharing posts. Feel free to send me any that you think I should

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RIP: The External 🧠

Last week, while everyone was arguing over who the next social media giant was going to be, Evernote laid off its entire U.S. staff: “Evernote, the app that has sought for two decades to find a large paying audience for its ‘external brain,’ is moving its operations to Italy,

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Want a Do-Over for This Month?

Some of my experiments aren’t as Earth-shattering as others, but I wanted to share one small update I’ve made to my routine that might improve your life by 0.5%. For the last few years, I’ve been keeping a note called, “Month notes.” Every month or so,

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The Workspace of the Future Is a Workbench

A few months ago, I shared some aspirational garden offices. But I didn’t share the aspirations for what should go inside those offices. For example, this is a beautiful office, but it’s not a place for work. It’s a place for leisure. So, what makes for a

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Solitude Deprivation

Since I’m doing some editing and cleaning on my site, I figured it might be fun to do another link love issue. Enjoy! — CJ 1 Author Cal Newport explains the collected research on whether smartphones are bad for kids or just another moral panic. This was more even-handed than

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Brainless Tasks

When you’re burned out, in the 2pm slump, or not in the mood to “produce,” keep this in mind: 1. It’s OK to not be productive all the time. Humans were likely designed for a 15-hour work week. Go a little easier on yourself. 2. Know that you

Brainless Tasks